
本鋼琴老師以最高榮譽於澳洲南昆士蘭州大學音樂系畢業。曾獲邀於當地大小音樂會演奏。師承澳洲音樂考試之主考官Wendy Lorenz, 精通音樂理論,鋼琴伴奏及獨奏 鋼琴老師 | 演奏

銅鑼灣維修影印機 旺角維修多功能打印機 荔枝角維修影印機上門維修打印機影印機

We strive to provide one-stop services to customers including car searching, retailing, valuation, consignment, car insurance, financing, inspection, repair and maintenance, etc.

營業項目:TV/CD/VCD/DVD影音系統‧汽車音響,喇叭安裝,設計,維修‧汽車隔音施工‧ 後波鏡頭、後波雷達‧GPS防盜系統‧數碼晶體防盜‧原廠防盜升級‧
汽車及電單車 / 汽車及電單車優惠車工房汽車音響防盜改裝專門店

omnidirectional all weather TV antenna for ships,Marine antenna,SSB Radiotelephone and related equipments,Satellite Ship Earth Communication terminal.
汽車及電單車 / 汽車及電單車優惠快捷航海儀器有限公司

服務包括: 車箱的皮革及硬膠部件修復,如汽車皮革座位的花痕及穿孔。 遊艇的人造皮革梳化的修復、汽車皮椅翻新、梳化深層清潔。 酒店、住宅的皮革製品修復。

The workshop also offers a full range of repair and service facilities from regular day to day maintenance, up to a range of fast road conversion.

provide one stop motor services to customers including new and used car retailing; car insurance; motor financing, auspicious car plate number; repair & maintenance services; supply of car parts

課室空間出租 / 培訓 / 會議 / 興趣班 / 輔導 時租 / 日租 / 月租 均可 $120 持牌補習社 歡迎有志創業或試業的導師查詢,如長期租用或有意合作開班的導師都可以聯絡本中心詳談。
d教學進修 / 課室出租dedicatededucationhk
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